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Substantial savings on premium sails

Doyle Sailmakers have been building high-quality, Dacron sails for many years. These strong, long-lasting sails are designed with proprietary CAD software to ensure good fit -- and good set. It models the 3-dimensional shape of the sail, checks fabric weight, and exports precise data to the cutting machine.

Save 10% year-round! and Doyle are underwriting a special 10% discount to Hunter owners.

What makes this your best sail buy

Our goal is to make the best sail at the best price. Instead of cutting corners on materials and construction, we chose to streamline our system to minimize the overhead required to build a great sail.

For example, we work closely with Doyle to make only one kind of sail, an outstanding, durable, general-purpose Dacron sail that is sure to be an upgrade from the sail the manufacturer put on the boat. We offer only the most popular options. By making the same sail design over and over again we increase production efficiency and decrease the time needed to oversee orders. The result is a very high quality sail at a low price.

Frankly, if you need exotic materials, radial construction, a Stack Pack integrated cover, customized design, or very specific design requests, you're better off working with a local Doyle loft. But if you want to upgrade to a very good cruising sail at a terrific price, with the support of a world renowned loft behind it, you won't do better than this.

A note about mainsail leech roach: Roach refers to the aft edge of the mainsail and how far it extends aft. A medium roach is the typical triangular sail found on most boats. A full roach, which is a larger sail, extends farther aft and offers more power. It's an option most often seen on Hunter B&R rigs. All of our sails come with a medium roach. However, a full roach is available for an additional cost. Please contact us for details.

How the process works

Once your order is placed we'll send you illustrated instructions on how to measure your rig. This is necessary because rigs often change without notice or are modified by the manufacturer or a prior owner. We've learned the hard way that this is absolutely necessary to build a sail that fits properly. If you prefer not to measure your rig you can send your old sail to the loft, where they can measure it to account for stretch and distortion (your sail must be in reasonable condition). Please note that we do not copy your old sail. Rather, the designer uses the sail to reverse-engineer your rig specs. He then designs a sail to fit your rig.

Once the measurements are determined they're reviewed by the Doyle sail designer, a seasoned pro with 20+ years design experience. If he has questions about the specs we'll contact you before building the sail. He will then design the sail based on your boat's rig dimensions. He creates a CAD file which is sent to the cutting and assembly facility (spinnakers in Florida, mainsails and headsails in the Philippines). They cut the sail from the CAD file and stitch the panels. The completed sail is then shipped back to the Doyle loft where it is rigorously inspected and in some cases, finished. It is then shipped to you for installation. Because different sail designers have different biases, the finished product will not be identical what is on your boat now.

All sails are not equal

An efficient, long-lasting sail is the result of three integrated components: design, materials, and construction. The difference between an adequate sail and a great sail is not easily apparent, especially when the sails are new. It may be tempting to skimp on these details now, but there is a difference... and five years from now you'll know it!

3 year warranty on labor and materials sails by Doyle Sailmakers will be just what you want, and that's guaranteed. In addition, materials and workmanship are fully warranted for three years.
DESIGN Your Doyle sail is designed by the same guys who work up sails for one-design champions, America's Cup boats, and multi-million dollar mega yachts. These are some of the finest sail designers in the business. Their proprietary CAD software means that your design will benefit from more than 30 years of Doyle experience designing sails for boats of all shapes, sizes, and sailing conditions.

MATERIALS Often, inexpensive sails are made from inexpensive materials. Doyle sails are made from Challenge or Contender high tenacity yarns. It is not dependent on resin for its long term shape holding.

SUPPORT Need repair or service? Support is always available.

CONSTRUCTION Doyle lofts are painfully meticulous about the details.

  • Rugged Dacron with a cross-cut layout: the most widely used and durable sail construction
  • Leeches are taped instead of using folded-over hems, and have two rows of stitching.
  • Stainless steel corner rings are webbed when appropriate.
  • Oversize corner reinforcements combine radial and conventional patches for maximum strength and effective load spreading.
  • Every sail comes with leech lines, tell tales, and sail bag.

Sails for Hunter 49 Tall Rig by Doyle Sailmakers based on IJPE of 54.55'/ 16.5' / 55.75 ' / 23.75' and LOA of 49

Sail Price Options available Continue
Mainsail, traditional Starting at $7,207 Cloth weight, reef points, sail numbers, cunningham, loose foot, full battens Estimate
Mainsail, furling Starting at $7,034 Cloth weight, reef points, sail numbers, cunningham, loose foot, full battens Estimate
Furling Headsail, 100% Starting at $3,168 Luff flattener, sail numbers, sizes 100% to 155%, cloth weight Estimate
Headsail with hanks, 100% Starting at $3,168 Luff flattener, sail numbers, sizes 100% to 155%, cloth weight Estimate
Tri-radial cruising spinnaker Our price $4,014 Color combination, dousing sock Estimate

Sail drawings are representative of typical Doyle Durasails; your design and fittings may vary.

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