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Gyb Easy Boom Brake

Gyb Easy Boom Brake image

Can be Used on Mainsail Areas Below 40m.

Gybing remains one of the most challenging operations on a sailing boat even for experienced sailors and can possibly generate injuries and material damage. An efficient and safe solution: GybEasy the Wichard boom brake. Thanks to the frictions of the specific line passing over the boom break, the boom is allowed to gybe smoothly. With GybEasy, the gybe operations are safer, potential accidents reduced and without jerks. 3 different positions exist for a perfect adaptation to the mainsail and wind conditions. The more the line passes over the openings, the more the friction is increased and hence the brake efficiency.
Installation only takes a few minutes
Can be installed either on modern boats or old gaffers
Anodized aluminum
Supplied with line
Made to order: No
Est. Delivery: see chart
Item Lead Time Addl Image Our SKU
Mfg P/N
Specs Status Price Quantity
GybEasy Boom Brake6 business days SKU 201377
Mfg p/n 07150
Out of Stock $328.56