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Countertop Display Marine Formula Sta-Bil - Smaller Sizes

Countertop Display Marine Formula Sta-Bil - Smaller Sizes image

Keeps Fuel Fresh for Quick Easy Starts

This is the Sta-Bil treatment for everyday use. It is an ideal solution for engines which are not run every day, as new ethanol-blend fuels can start to degrade in as little as 30 days. Sta-Bil Marine Formula does a superior job of protecting the fuel tank, fuel lines and complete fuel system from the corrosive effects of the ethanol in your fuel. It also keeps the ethanol in the fuel, where you want it, by preventing any water present from absorbing the ethanol. Marine Formula Ethanol Treatment contains more corrosion inhibitors and cleaners than regular Sta-Bil. A little goes a long way - treats 4 times as much fuel per ounce than regular Sta-Bil.

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Made to order: No
Est. Delivery: see chart
Item Lead Time Addl Image Our SKU
Mfg P/N
Specs Status Price Quantity
Countertop Display - Marine Formula Sta Bil - 8 oz and 32 oz Sizes6 business days SKU 389408
Mfg p/n 22244
Out of Stock $442.03